jeudi, mai 30, 2013

Sync Github and Bitbucket

user github and bitbucket : paul
Github git repo :
Bitbucket git repo :

clone github repo
$git clone
$cd app1

create new 'sync' branch and switch on it
$git checkout -b sync
$git branch

add new remote repo under name 'bitbucket'
$git remote add bitbucket
$git remote -v

push the content of the sync branch on a new sync branch in 'bitbucket' repository
$git push -u bitbucket sync

Now do some change in 'sync' branch

to push changes in bitbucket just do
$git status
$git push

to update the github version
$git checkout master
$git branch
$git pull

to merge change (put sync branch content into master branch content)
$git checkout master
$git branch
$git merge sync
$git status

push any change to github
$git checkout master
$git branch
$git push
$git status


vendredi, mai 24, 2013

Taille des repertoires et fichiers d'une arborescence

Pour afficher la taille occupee par des répertoires et des fichiers d'une arborescence linux

tree -h --du /path/to/folder