mercredi, mai 19, 2010

Bug maven 2.x "plugin does not exist or no valid" (ie: The plugin 'org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin' does not exist or no valid version could be found)

maven sometimes stop working with plugin

The bug is well known and often appear when using Hudson and Sonar together.

The bug is about corrupt metadata xml file of local maven repository.

- A simple work around is to erase the local maven repository
- The best work around is to use -U while using mvn.

In the context of hudson/sonar, just set in -U to the additional properties in the global configuration of the Sonar plugin for Hudson
>Add Sonar
>Nom : sonar2.0.1
>URL : http://host:16080/sonar
>URL du serveur public : http://host:16080/sonar
>URL BDD : jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sonar?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8
>Nom user BDD : xxx
>Mot de passe BDD : xxx
>Driver BDD : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
>Additional properties : -U

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